#BetterBeerJourney: Glyphosate-Free Beer


Sometimes the simple process of following sound or sustainable environmental practices bears unexpected fruit. We’ve had another great but unlooked-for coup as a result of our principles this year. Thanks to our use of ethically sourced, non-GMO grains, Darling Brew beers are glyphosate-free.

Early in our brewing career, we became aware of the relationship between great ingredients and excellent beer. The better the quality of your inputs, the more satisfying the result is likely to be. Stands to reason.

We took to sourcing not only the best quality, but also organic or biodynamically farmed grains. For the most part, we had to look abroad for grist for our mill. Over 80% of wheat and more than 90% of maize grown in South Africa is a Genetically Modified Organism. This means farmers spray with Round-up or a similar pesticide on their crops.

Round-up contains glyphosate which doesn’t just wash off the grain. It is systemic, entering the cells of the plant and passing on to anything that consumes it. Glyphosate is carcinogenic. It aggregates (or accumulates) in the body from the consumption of any product made using treated ingredients. It can’t be washed off, cooked away or otherwise dispersed.

So, a burger made with meat from a cow that’s been fed GMO maize will have traces of glyphosate in it. Bread baked with flour from GMO wheat, is likely to contain glyphosate. Only by choosing organically or bio-dynamically farmed grains can artisan bakers such as Jason Bakery in Cape Town keep glyphosate out of their bread.

Beer brewed using GMO cereal crops… same story. But not our beer.

Darling Brew beers are glyphosate-free thanks to our stringent rules for sourcing barley, hops and wheat. Sometimes you dodge a bullet just because you are doing the right things. Some call it karma. We know it’s commitment.

Take a break from consuming carcinogens in everything. Crack a carton and wrap your hand around one of our carefully crafted Darling Brew beers. It will comfort you. It will comfort you because in a world of greedy corporates and reckless manufacturing, our beer stands apart.

Let’s be careful out there.

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  • Is your beer available in GA ? Can u ship to GA ?

  • Where can I buy your beer the US?

    Victoria Watts
  • I will be looking for your beer!


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